7020 Power Director
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Topic: 7020 Power Director
Posted By: bpfuelling
Subject: 7020 Power Director
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2023 at 7:54pm
Allis 7020 with 20 speed power director.
Tractor idles good and will rev right up in park. Once I put in gear and drive it, it will rev out fine in lower gears. As I get into higher gears it will not rev up past 1800-2000 rpm. Especially in 5th it almost wants to die but pullls out of it and max throttle all I get is 1500 rpm. As soon as I push clutch in it revs right up. I just changed filter and fluid for transmission and still does this.
Obviously thinking something is wrong in the transmission. You can also hear a chatter on right side of tractor that goes away when the clutch is pushed in.
What could my problem be?
Posted By: MACK
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2023 at 8:44pm
Does it smoke real bad when it don't Rev up? Check between precleaner and filter for a bird nest or other restrictions. Have saw rubber hose to turbo get soft and suck togather. MACK
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2023 at 10:26pm
It does not smoke at all just doesn’t rev out any higher even at full throttle when driving in higher gears. I have drained and cleaned fuel tanks, new fuel lines, injectors been rebuilt, and rebuilt fuel pump.
I also have had head rebuilt with valve job including new injector cups. This was due to leaking cups.
No obstructions in air intake or collapsed hoses. I have ran without any air cleaner to just see and still the same.
Posted By: tbran
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2023 at 10:51pm
What is the turbo boost pressure ? ON a 7020 if you nail the throttle you will leave a noticable smoke trail till the boost gets up - should be close to 20 psi at full load. Less than that with no smoke and you have a fuel restriction somewhere. If you unit has an electric pump it can be pumping air into the fuel line..
------------- When told "it's not the money,it's the principle", remember, it's always the money..
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 6:40am
You've cleaned fuel tanks and replaced lines ?? and gone thru the injectors and injection pump ?? I assume this was all in an effort to solve your lack of HP problem ?? (not a transmission problem). If fuel tanks have been cleaned and lines (hoses ?) replaced there should be gravity flow of fuel gushing from the rubber hose that comes from the left fuel tank. Have you checked that ?? There is also a chance your tractor has an electric fuel pump on it, located inside one of the side frames. It has to "motor" when the key is turned on and if it does, it must provide fuel to the injection pump under pressure. If you don't have an electric pump, the fuel supply hose from the left tank goes directly to the fuel filter. If you have the older square fuel filter that clips-on, there is a good chance the filter base is plugged with debris. Seen that many times. Disconnect lines to the filter base and blow thru every passage. Lastly, disconnect the injection pumps shut-off cable and pull the pumps lever to the rear as far as it will go and wire it there. This could be as simple as the shut-off lever not being fully turned on by a mis-adjusted shut off cable.
Posted By: Lynn Marshall
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 6:41am
A dyno would tell you a lot. If the horsepower is there,perhaps you do have a transmission issue. That would be unlikely.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 7:00pm
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 7:11pm
I will need to get a boost gauge hooked up to check. There is no electric pump on this tractor.
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 7:46pm
Don't dismiss the plugged fuel filter base (if it is the square clip-on filter) or the fuel shut-off lever position. You don't need a boost gauge to check those two things.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 9:05pm
Dr Allis,
Correct, tractor sat for some time and bottom of tanks had algae in them so I cleaned them and replaced all fuel lines and changed filter. I can take hose off at fuel filter and diesel gushes out. Line from left tank goes to filter. Right tank feeds into y fitting on left tank and goes to filter. This tractor does not have an electric fuel pump and does not have square fuel filter. It has spin on type fuel filter.
When I bought tractor the guy I bought it off of said pump was rebuilt and I cannot verify or deny this as being true besides a receipt he sent me for rebuild.
I will try and blow out filter housing to pump and see if that makes a difference then will try wiring back the shut off cable to see if cable actually not set properly.
Is there any type of screen in the roosa master pump that could be clogged with debris from previous owner rebuilding pump but running that bad fuel through it? The pump is the only thing I have not touched in the whole fuel system.
Appreciate everyone’s help trying to get this figured out!
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2023 at 10:15pm
Your filter housing for a spin-on filter I have never seen plug, so I doubt that's the problem. The Roosa pump indeed has an internal screen inside the inlet part of the pump. If the pump was truly gone thru by a pump shop, I would expect it to have no paint on it OR be repainted, which would stand out against the paint on the engine.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 8:46am
It doesn’t look much different honestly. Supposedly was done 10 hours ago. Here is receipt he gave me for pump along with picture of pump. Can I check/clean screen in pump without hurting anything?
Still need to check pump shutoff when I get a chance tonight.
I am thinking more and more might be pump since everything else was gone through that or turbo maybe.
Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 9:59am
Those prices are what I have from 2016. It could be all gummed up inside. I've seen pumps get gummed up with crummy modern diesel in a year or less. You already said it had algae, so I'd bet money it's nasty inside the pump and not working properly.
------------- 210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 10:07am
It very well could have been 10 hours ago, but 10 years ago that was rebuilt and sat the whole time. The tank had weird smell to it and the stuff at bottom was like goo and the fuel lines had same stuff in them.
What are my options if pump has been rebuilt, but gummed up? Can it be cleaned up with minimal cost? It is a nice tractor in great shape just sick of it nickel and diming me here lately.
Appreciate everyone in this group.
Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 10:38am
I rebuild them all the time here, it would run about $1000 to go through it. Usually the biggest issue is cleaning it up and replacing damaged parts. If it starts ok, hot or cold, then the pump head should be usable. I've seen them coming in lately even worse than ever before, not sure what is going on.
------------- 210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 10:44am
It fires right up hot and cold. Revs out fine in neutral and lower gears. If pump was rebuilt and everything looks good, it would still cost $1,000 to just clean it up?
I am going to try and make it out to shop tonight and check on the fuel shutoff to make sure it is opening all the way and will report back.
Posted By: injpumpEd
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 11:34am
That's just a typical rebuild price range. If things are reusuable, I reuse them. If damaged or worn out, I replace them. No way of knowing what kind of condition it's in until it's opened up. Many times the moisture pits the rollers and cam ring, along with other key components.
------------- 210 "too hot to farm" puller, part of the "insane pumpkin posse". Owner of Guenther Heritage Diesel, specializing in fuel injection systems on heritage era tractors. stock rebuilds to all out pullers!
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2023 at 11:38am
Understandable. Well hopefully it is just the fuel shutoff and all will be good. Will find out tonight. Will keep you all posted on what I find out.
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2023 at 10:00pm
Did you get a chance to figure anything out ??
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2023 at 7:38am
I was not able to get out in the shop last night to check the fuel shutoff. Going to head out to shop tonight and see what I find out with the fuel shutoff. Will post back once I see if that works or not. Thanks for the follow up. Wanting to get this figured out.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2023 at 9:15pm
Made out in the shop for a little bit tonight. Unhooked cable and pinned back shut off. Did not make a difference when getting out and driving down the road. See picture attached. Can I screw out the stop screw all the way without hurting the pump so that fuel shut off is “more” open and then try again? I imagine it shouldn’t hurt anything, but wanted to ask before just doing it.

Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2023 at 11:09pm
You may, but it should NOT change anything. Loosen the screw and do not change the lock nut. Just back out the screw 1/4" and try it. Return back to where it was when it doesn't do any good.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2023 at 6:48pm
Been a little while and life has gotten in the way.
Pinning back the fuel shutoff did not seem to help. I’m at a loss still. I’m really thinking it may be the pump. Any other ideas?
Posted By: DrAllis
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2023 at 9:15pm
No boost gauge test numbers ?? No dyno test ?? Did you loosen the shut-off stop screw 1/4" and try it more open ?? Can't help you. Sounds like the injection pump to me.
Posted By: bpfuelling
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2023 at 7:36am
I did loosen the shut off stop screw and tried it more open and no change. I am going to try and get boost number here soon.