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Allis CA

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Category: Allis Chalmers
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Topic: Allis CA
Posted By: Sugarmaker
Subject: Allis CA
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2022 at 7:57pm
 So I was pulling tractors Saturday at our local fair. Fellow parked next to me ask when I was going to get a small tractor? He was setting on his old CA. He said his was for sale and I should make him a offer. I have seen the tractor many times pulling. It does a pretty good job. We discussed it and came to an agreement. I will go to review and maybe bring it home this week some time.
The owner is getting out of pulling. Guess I am getting into it?
Some details:
- Well it is a CA with a C narrow front end.
- right brake is not functioning
- hand clutch has been removed
- steering is very loose and probably worn out
- Pretty good set of old matched Firestones on rear
- front tires are ok
- no charging system in place
- Moves and functions in all gears
- Has some oil leaks at front of engine
- Has custom exhaust pipe for sure!
- Rear rims are Farmall lug type not AC. not rusted out.
- Rear rims are in good shape.
- He is pulling it in the 2500 lb class
- Has hydraulic pump removed
- it has a pulling hitch on the drawbar,
- Owner got third in the class that day.

So here is the plan if it comes home:
- Maybe adjust the exhaust pipe to something more conventional.
- Pull it in some light classes
- Have some fun
- let the grandson and great grandsons try it out.
- get a charging system functioning, probably 12 volt with a Denso alternator." rel="nofollow">
Will try to keep you upto date on this new addition.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2022 at 8:01pm
custom exhaust... Clap   Thumbs Up

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: thendrix
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2022 at 9:14pm
Custom exhaust???? Kinda looks like a bad case of whiskey d!ck

I'm sorry. I don't mean to rip on your tractor. I just couldn't help it

"Farming is a business that makes a Las Vegas craps table look like a regular paycheck" Ronald Reagan

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 19 Sep 2022 at 11:11pm
Does he have the pump and original wheels hanging around still? Not a terrible looking tractor, but definitely has a few modifications.

Is that a part of a wheel weight on the rear wheel?

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2022 at 6:21am
That's the front of a C tractor there

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2022 at 7:16am
I am new to the CA versions for sure.
Paul, is the engine the same in a C and a CA. Owner said it was just the front end being changed from a wide front CA to the narrow front C?

Also looks like steering arm and pitman have seen way better days! But i guess I have seen worse." rel="nofollow">

Yes the custom exhaust has a bad case of the droops:)! Very functional just not very apealing to me.
Wheels I believe he said were shot and replaced with the IH lug style. I dont have much of a problem with those. Might work just dandy, and the rim portion has been widened a little so that fits in with the rest of our "Fat Bottom Girls"!

I will need to do some research on the brakes R&R. 
Probably Sandy Lake will be able to add another addition to a building!:)

BTW I broke the brake rod on our grandson's WD while pulling. Another adventure in Allis in Wonderland for sure!

Also I dont have a clue on the status of this engine? Its for sure got a good protective coating on the exterior. It does run, More to come. 

Thanks for the comments and support! I will need it!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Leon B MO
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2022 at 6:01pm
Whiskey-dick...that there .. thats funny...thendrix.
Sugermaker, that CA took 3rd that day... with a little AC know how, you and your young-uns can have a good time for years to come. 
   The CA is one of my favorites.
Best of luck
Leon B MO

Uncle always said "Fill the back of the shovel and the front will take care of itself".

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2022 at 8:18pm
Leon, Folks,
 Thanks. Will make a run at this tommorow if the weather is right. My friend Jim is dealing on a tractor for pulling also. Must be something in the water!?

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 7:52am
 The CA is home and have done a few mods on a couple things. You know the new toy syndrome!:)
Loaded up with Jack the previous owner:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

In the shop for review. Oli pressure is good. oil looks clean, leaks just like all ther othe Allis tractors too!:" rel="nofollow">

He told me it steers way farther one way that the other. Humm. The drag link had been cut and shortened. I found that to be more centered it needed to be extended about 4 inches. 
So and little cutting and welding and that was corrected. The ball joints are not good. The steering is VERY hard to turn while not moving. I did get another steering box, with it but not sure what the real problem is yet. Looking at C and CA pictures This is messed up pretty good!:)" rel="nofollow">

She is a little chub compared to her big sisters the WD's!" rel="nofollow">

Exhaust was the first thing to come off. This may not be final:" rel="nofollow">

Tries are cracked from age, but in fair shape, Jack had widened the rims which are IH style. He found two more weights which are portions of IH weights about 40 lb each." rel="nofollow">  

Looking forward to see how it does at the final pull of the season, coming up OCT 8:

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 8:07am
Chris, how is the manifold? I've had five 125 CI engines now, none had a serviceable one on it when it got here!

Posted By: John426
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 8:14am

What is this?

Posted By: John426
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 8:14am

What is this?

Posted By: JC-WI
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 11:19am
That's the power maker resistor...
.. Keeps the points from burning when converted to 12 volts.
 Have fun Chris, those are snappy little engines.

He who says there is no evil has already deceived himself
The truth is the truth, sugar coated or not. Trawler II says, "Remember that."

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 12:56pm
Your "Johnny Cash" CA has a mis-mash of many things. The odd steering is because of the "long arm" Steering box from a C with the "short arm" C front post. Find a CA post and steering box and then make sure things are "Timed" as per the service manual and it will steer the same both ways as when it left the factory.
 Consider adding a charging unit. Just having a battery for starting lowers available voltage for ignition.
 There isn't much difference in any of the CE engines that were use in the B.C & CA tractors. Basically the CA would have a higher RPM governor spring a slightly larger venturi that what was used for a B&C. Also the engines used in the CA would have a slightly higher compression. In stock form those engines will do very well with Grampa gear restrictions and near factory size tires as you have. However if you want more, your wallet is the only limit of what can be done. Here's how the CA I had would run in 3rd gear." rel="nofollow -

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 1:10pm
what Paul said.......

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2022 at 11:17pm
Congrats Chris! Looks much better than my CA. I'm sure you'll get the steering sorted out in no time.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2022 at 7:34am
Paul, Folks,
So I see the short vs long front arm on the lower front. Mine looks like it is welded on to the shaft?? Doesnt look easy to change?? But I probably don't know what I am looking at yet either?:)
I dont know enough about these yet to know the difference in a C vs a CA sterring box? I did get an additional steering box and will have to take a picture of that too. 

Short term goal is to pull the Johnny Cash tractor at the local pull Oct 8. Well Maybe the grandson will pull it?

Currently I have a brake drum replacement project on our Grandsons WD. What a joy that is!:) I messed up the heating process on the new brake drum and will have to get another!
It cooled and got stuck about 3/4 of the way on to the shaft! I hate when that happens.

Hope things are good in orange land!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2022 at 8:36am
 My first pull with the CA was this past Saturday.  Only three pullers in the 2500 lb class. All three of us pulled 247 feet. I got second place missing first by about a inch or so. I have some work to do on the brakes for next year. It might have helped me keep out of a previous hole in the track? 
This was the only tractor that caught fire at the pull. Just minor around the exhasut manifold as I exited the track. Probably oil leak and acumulated dirt. Note to self might be good to have fire extingushers on all the tractors! :)

As we preped the track prior to the pull. Josh working his IH and chisel plows:" rel="nofollow">

Getting to the rainy pull day:" rel="nofollow">

My Allis team at the pull. CA, WZ and WD45:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

I did get first in the 4000lb class with the WD45. About 10 tractors in that class. Track was just a little hard and I chjose to pull in second gear half throttle to stay under the 3.5 MPH speed limit. Had enough power left at the end to win by about 25 feet. Actually stalled out in the end.

Ruby and I resting (almost):" rel="nofollow">

Oh I may have found a CA narrow front close by?? Will see if that happens. Very worn in the front end of this Johnny Cash tractor!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2022 at 8:02am
 Grandson Nic stopped in last night and was very pleased with the CA! Took it for a drive around the yard. The smile says it all!" rel="nofollow">

I did pressure wash a lot of the grease and grime off the engine and the green moss off sheetmetal too." rel="nofollow">

Weather is much cooler!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: ACinSC
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2022 at 11:38am
Smiles are always good ! Thanks for sharing .

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2022 at 8:05am
 Several general questions on the CA.

I would like, at sometime before next seson, to work on the brakes. I will have to do some research as to what to look for. Maybe they just need adjusted?? Any tips are welcome as the CA is a new Allis critter for me and I know the experts are on here.

Another thing is the engine question. This will probably never happen but I thought I had heard that larger tractor engines will bolt ut to a CA? Like D14 or D15? 
Not really looking to go crazy here but is something to think about. I know Paul has forgot way more than I will ever know about these tractors.

Right now my house restoration project has me in a headlock and I still have the brakes to complete on Nic's WD., And a engine to complete for the 32 Ford AAB truck.


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2022 at 8:48am
Generally I always install complete new bands. I rarely find bands worth relining due to rust and mouse pee. Often they will come out in 2 parts when force in needed. On the plus side the anchor pins are generally not as bad a WD/WD45/D17 pins. Don't bother with doing anything to the drums unless they are terribly gouged out.
 Any engine from a D10/12/14/15 will go in with little difficulty. It would depend on how cheap you can find one, as opposed to doing something with the current engine. Something close to 30 HP can be had from the CE block with a few custom parts. 60+ can be had if you can afford it. 

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2022 at 6:45pm
Paul, Folks,
Much to learn on the little Allis tractor. Thanks for your comments! I think of you when I have pulled the WD45 in second gear at several events and won the class. In those cases the track was hard to very hard, and the power to weight and balance was just about right. Most of these pulls the speed is limited to 3.5 MPH. So about half throttle is all thats needed till about 3/4 of the way down the track. 
Looking forward to getting into the CA tractor this winter. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: AC720Man
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2022 at 7:38pm
A CA with a 160cu from a series II D15 would be cool.

1968 B-208, 1976 720 (2 of them)Danco brush hog, single bottom plow,52" snow thrower, belly mower,rear tine tiller, rear blade, front blade, 57"sickle bar,1983 917 hydro, 1968 7hp sno-bee, 1968 190XTD

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 12 Oct 2022 at 2:47pm
If it turns sharper one way than the other you might be able to take the arm off of the steering box and move it one spline and make it center better. There's a screw on the starter side behind the starter that you can adjust to help with the slop .

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2022 at 8:09am
 Thanks, I probably wont find a series II D15 engine, but the concept is appropriate for a old pulling tractor. The steering modification I did to lenghten the drag link ballance the turing ability. But the tractor steers very hard!!. Something is not right on the box or the front end. And it has WAY too much slop in the "C" front end! Serious death wobble. 
Thanks for the hint on tightening up the box. 
I dont think you can move the arm on the box one click it has offset spline features that only allow it to go on one position.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2022 at 10:24am
Great lookin' CA!  With some work it'll work out great for ya. One of the first things you want to do when updating the Ignition system is to take that ballast resistor and throw it in the garbage. Install a internal resisted coil. Those resistors didn't work under the hood of a 60's Automobile, never mind out in the elements on a Tractor! If you're using that for pulling, toss an E.I. in the Distributor with a high output internal resisted Coil on the ole' girl.  That'll wake her up a little bit. And install a charging system....  Good Luck with your new toy!

39'RC, 43'WC, 48'B, 49'G, 50'WF, 65 Big 10, 67'B-110, 75'716H, 2-620's, & a Motorhead wife

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2022 at 7:03pm
Thanks Yes many potential upgrades could be done to improve this old tractor. One pull and had fun!
Hope to get time this winter to work on it too.
Thanks guys for checking in on me. Hope things are good in Orange land!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2022 at 7:48pm
jack the front tires an inch off the ground and then turn the steering wheel.. Look for the location of SLOP.. Remove one end of the steering rod and see if the HARD TURN is in the front end / gear box ...... or box under the gas tank.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2022 at 8:41am
Steve, Folks,
I did have it jacked up. Most of the slop seems to be in front spindle area. I will need to do some reasearch on that area for potential improvement. Just havent had time to work on any tractors with my house siding project and winter coming on fast!:)

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2022 at 8:15pm
Allis folks,
 Ok here is what I think I have found and or have for the CA.
A friend has a CA front sterring box with the long arm, He does not have the lower spindle. Will my lower "C" spindel fit and function with a CA front casting/ Sterring box?

Also may have locared a D15 engine (which has had some recent work on it). It is attaqched to a rough tractor that I dont really want or need. The guy wants a pretty good buck for the engine and hulk. if the engine is good probably a lot less that a complete rebuild? He did a hone job and new rings and bearings. Engine had been stuck.
So will a D15 block bolt up direct to the CA torque tube, or are there mods that need to happen. What would be the increased HP from the CA to the D15? Is is worth the effort? 
More power doesnt mean hyou can get it to the ground. And I rarely see a stock Allis run out of power when in a low gear antique pull.
Thanks in advance for the support!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: DSeries4
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2022 at 8:31pm
Originally posted by Sugarmaker Sugarmaker wrote:

Allis folks,
 Ok here is what I think I have found and or have for the CA.
A friend has a CA front sterring box with the long arm, He does not have the lower spindle. Will my lower "C" spindel fit and function with a CA front casting/ Sterring box?

Also may have locared a D15 engine (which has had some recent work on it). It is attaqched to a rough tractor that I dont really want or need. The guy wants a pretty good buck for the engine and hulk. if the engine is good probably a lot less that a complete rebuild? He did a hone job and new rings and bearings. Engine had been stuck.
So will a D15 block bolt up direct to the CA torque tube, or are there mods that need to happen. What would be the increased HP from the CA to the D15? Is is worth the effort? 
More power doesnt mean hyou can get it to the ground. And I rarely see a stock Allis run out of power when in a low gear antique pull.
Thanks in advance for the support!

I am pretty certain that a 160 CI engine from a D15 II will pretty much a drop in to a CA.  I have never done it, but read it here some years ago and made a mental note of it.  The 160 engine dynos at 46 hp on the PTO in the D15 tractor, so you are getting almost 20 more ponies.   If I wanted more power from my CA, I would definitely do it.  I do not pull with my CA, so I am content with it's modest 26/27 hp!

'49 G, '54 WD45, '55 CA, '56 WD45D, '57 WD45, '58 D14, '59 D14, '60 D14, '61 D15D, '66 D15II, '66 D21II, '67 D17IV, '67 D17IVD, '67 190XTD, '73 620, '76 185, '77 175, '84 8030, '85 6080

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2022 at 4:40pm
Dseries4, Folks,
Well I picked up the CA parts (well I think they are CA items?) today from a friend." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

These may help improve the steering someday?

Our pup Ruby Loved the snow:" rel="nofollow">

Three days ago our Orange in the yard:" rel="nofollow">


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2022 at 7:54pm
AC Folks,
I did get some time to tear into the CA. Hood off removed tank, drained the rad for removal and jacked up the tractor for work on the front end. The plan is to change the front casting to the long arm version. Also have new sterring box if this one can't be improved." rel="nofollow">

I did find that the exhaust manifold is broken on both ends! I think you guys warned me about this!" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Plan to put on a Denso alternator:" rel="nofollow">

Wheel bearings seem good, Tires and wheels just OK. I have seen worse." rel="nofollow">


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Lon(MN)
Date Posted: 27 Dec 2022 at 7:03am
Are you going to put the correct CA front end on or just use the C front pedestal?


Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 28 Dec 2022 at 6:26pm
Lon, Folks,
I will try to use the parts I have, Which I think are C  front parts, since they don't have the knobs sticking out the front.
 Since I am a complete newbie to CA trctors, my real goal was to get the steering to be much better! I have this front upper casting which has ears sticking out with the short arm. Also I have a upper front casting with no ears and a long arm. (read between the lines, I dont know what is right or wrong) 
I need to go look back at some pictures posted above^! 
I also have a much better and straight drag link, with much better ball joints. I also have a Ross steering box that seems to have less play in the box although I have not taken the starter off to try to improve the slop in the current Ross steering unit.
So I am going to
- remove the starter and see if the ccurrent steering box can be adjusted, If not I will replace with the better one.
- evaluate the front upper castings. I feel I want the long arm version for easier steering?
- remove the very worn drag link and install the better drag link.
Then test and evaluate any changes.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Dakota Dave
Date Posted: 28 Dec 2022 at 9:37pm
what you have pictured is a C front bolster. it will bolt on to a CA and work fine. I put a CA bolster on my just had to cut the cultivator boss off to put the C radiator grill on. and reengineer the C cultivator bar the rear mounting boss are an inch further back. the lower pedestal is interchangable.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 6:49am
Dave, Folks,
 Thanks! Thats what everything was pointing to. Now to just get back at it! One of those winter projects, on the back burner. 
Thanks for checking in on me and the Johnny Cash tractor!
Happy New Year!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: exSW
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 6:59am
You better get crackin'. Sugar season's just around the corner!

Learning AC...slowly

Posted By: Lon(MN)
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 6:59am
As far as I know all the gears and shafts will interchange. The castings on the CA and C are different. As you know the upper casting on the CA has the two bosses, the lower casting is heavier on the CA. The steering box under the gas tank is different then a C, so hopefully you have the CA box. I am better at telling a story rather then writing so don't take what I write the wrong way. Have some fun along the way.


Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 8:11am
This C and CA front stuff gives me a headache and I'm not even dealing with it! But that double A or double B Truck in the back round sure caught my eye! Can't see the grille shell well in the pics. Short wheel base, dual rear wheels and short dove tail running board. That's eye candy to me as well Chris!   LOL!  I had a 30 AA Truck years back. Very cool!

39'RC, 43'WC, 48'B, 49'G, 50'WF, 65 Big 10, 67'B-110, 75'716H, 2-620's, & a Motorhead wife

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 10:00am
SteveNJ, Folks,
 Now you have me thinking on the CA vs C steering box?? I dont know the exact differences, but will be evaluating that more in the future.
Yes as EXSW mentions sugaring season will be ramping up in about a month so I really need to get this CA back on its feet!

The truck, well you guys know I like to post pictures and lots of words and off topic stories. If you want all the gory details and more about the truck check out this thread on the Ford Barn which I started a year and half ago! 
A detail for Any old early big Ford trucks mine is a AAB VIN number, which means it was a fairly early build in 1932. I am warning you before you go there, its not for the weak of heart!:) These Ford guys are as bad/good as us Allis Folks!" rel="nofollow -


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2022 at 6:56pm
Chris, glad to see you making progress on this one. Going to get a new manifold from somewhere? I am not sure how many options for quality manifolds there are these days.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2022 at 4:22pm
 I might get a new manifold, that is if I can find one. This one is working but sure doesnt look very secure.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 8:07am
Chris, about a year ago I got a new Vinson manifold from a fellow in Mo. He might have another one or two. Thought I had a business card for him but can't find it. Ran into him at the Amana show.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 10:17am
Let me know I This one is sketcy at best. And probably leaking some too, since it set the tractor on fire in that area. Maight have been oil and grease.

Worked a little more on the front end on the CA. Its just screaming to be cleaned up and painted!" rel="nofollow">

Drag link is almost ready. Need a couple 9/16-18 castleated nuts. It is way better than the old one. Threads are boogered a little on one end." rel="nofollow">

I installed the new Ross box and everything seems to fit OK. It is also a lot better than the one with the yellow arm:" rel="nofollow">

Pulled rad and the rad support, then dropped the front vertical spindle:" rel="nofollow">

It was jammed with old dried grease. Removed the gear and popped out the shaft:" rel="nofollow">

The lower bearing was intact (for a while) but had some slop and was pretty dry. Not helping the steering since the tractor rests on this bearing. It then decided to come apart. I believe I should try to get a new bearing! This may be a load type bearing. I have not started any research for it. Outher race has a Timken number on it." rel="nofollow">

Still debating this front casting. I could take the short arm out and replace with the long  arm out of the other casting. This would allow me to keep the casting in place with the ears and the holes. These might be usefull at some point to secure weights?? Are the ears for the Allis CA side weights?? Or I could use them as attackment points to chain the front down to the trailer??" rel="nofollow">

Happy New year!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 10:48am
Yes the ears are for the side weights, Bs and Cs are interchangeable, CAs are a little longer. You have to be careful putting them on and off, if one gets away from you and falls it will break the casting on the bolster,not to mention what it would do to your foot

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 7:16pm
 Thanks for the info on the weights. I thought the owner had a set but never found them.
I think I am going to change out the front casting with the one with no ears, but has the long steering arm. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 8:37pm
To bad you can't find the side weights,those side weights are extremely hard to find and are priced accordingly. Keep in mind a CA is notoriously light in the front end.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2023 at 6:43am
 Yes I know they are light in the front. I seen a set on E-Bay for $500. A little too rich for me!
 I will try to check with the owner again.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Gary
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2023 at 4:05pm

Is this something you could use ? CA WFE in N.J." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2023 at 8:56am
 A few gory details. I rethreaded the damaged rod ends and found some 9/16-18 nuts at the hardware. These are going to be fine and the drag link is way better than what was on the CA:" rel="nofollow">

I did call the original owner and he said he would look for the side weights and the other split rear wheel weights (not Allis, IH version).

I am prototyping the mounting of the Denso one wire alternator. Using the front portion of the generator mount, and fabricating a new upper support/ adjustment bracket. The set up looks to be stiff enough, secure, and pretty good alignment with the engine pulleys:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow">

I had another bracket built to go on the lower front of the alternator pivot but found it wasnt really needed, and made the head of the pivot bolt too close to the belt. Sure just stick in some washers for spacers and a metric bolt too! :) Bolt has been trimed to look not so cludged up!" rel="nofollow">

Also put a order in to Sandy Lake Implements for front lower bearing and race. Some upper gaskets, battery box, rear brake shoes the list goes on.....
It is a very slippery slope on this project at this time, it could suck up many more hours and dollars for a (RCP) Refurb, Clean and Paint. Not sure of my next moves.
Yea there is the lure of a D15 series II engine transplant still lingering also. Yea that would just blow the budget.
Lets see, the goal was to:
- Improve the steering 
- get a 12 volt charging system in place.
- maybe tidy up a few other things
- go pulling!
Will I stick to that plan? Time will tell. Getting close to syrup season. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2023 at 9:02am
 Looking good and sounds like a plan

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2023 at 9:15am
 The wide front in NJ is from a CA I believe, with the two casting knobs sticking out at the bottom. No I am going to stick with a narrow front end type tractor style. They tuck in nicely when loading two units on the trailer to go pulling.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2023 at 9:19am
that alternator fits NICE... Brackets are SIMPLE but Effective !!

one of the BIG problems is keeping the fan belt away from the lower radiator hose tube.. You seem to have the RIGHT belt to get that done... NICE.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2023 at 8:15pm
The serial number for the CA:" rel="nofollow">

I will replace the non functioning components in the dash box. Mock up here:" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow">

Lubed the brake pins and got the floor board off. Many things have been abused or neglected on the old CA. Brake spring missing. seat pivots bad. Floor board cut and bent:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow">

I have a Allis CA book coming. Do you pull the rear wheels to make it easier to work on the brakes? I see two pins up on the top side that look like they hold the bands in place. 
I will have to order another batch of parts to correct / improve some of the items. Still not sure of the exact plan for this tractor for a clean up stand point. Have heard many times "panit dont pull" ! I have the WZ that would make a good match with the crusty CA in their work clothes. My WD45 and Nics WD are looking pretty good as painted tractors. So we would have 2500, 3500, 4000, and 4500 lb classes covered. And if we had weight brackets on the CA it could go in the 3000 lb class too. I just cant haul all of them!:)


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2023 at 6:29am
Originally posted by Sugarmaker Sugarmaker wrote:

Have heard many times "panit dont pull" 

Anyone remember Dave Stangle or the Thomas brothers? 
I've seen many pretty paint jobs that fell flat when hooked to a sled. Yea the big time pullers with plenty of cash to piss away have nice shiny tractors, although paint and chrome can't get you any further down the track. 

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2023 at 7:33am
From the serial number it should be a 1955 , as far as the brake pins, I believe originally the hole for the brake pin was a blind hole mine has a hole on both sides of the casting so you can drive the pin out and change the brakes out without doing major surgery.If they were a one way blind hole in the casting I can see where if it went in a shop for brake work at sometime the shop drilled the hole to make life ever so much easier.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2023 at 1:09pm
 I have done brake on 2 CAs but it been to many years and don't remember but I do remember not having trouble like I read about on the WD.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2023 at 6:54am
Thanks guys,
I did find more problems! Not a big suprise! Left brake drum in almost gone. Looks like this is the way you take a medium cost tractor and make it into a expensive tractor!:) Not going pulling with out some brake action. So I ordered a brake drum and other items yesterday. May get to tear into this once I get the front end back together. Then I can move it under the jib crane to move the tire and the axle housing easier.
New battery box and brake bands came yesterday. Look great!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2023 at 7:54am
Good move with the Voltmeter Chris! Looks like there's a lot of work to be done, but none of them are ever easy and cheap!  LOL!  They all turn into projects. Ya just gotta' throw money at it and it'll come around......   Big smile

39'RC, 43'WC, 48'B, 49'G, 50'WF, 65 Big 10, 67'B-110, 75'716H, 2-620's, & a Motorhead wife

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2023 at 6:06pm
Steve, Folks,
 I must say you are the reason for the volt meters on the dash of each custom electrical system I install on a old Allis tractor. They seem to work fine and I have not had any issuses.
This CA will be a neat little puller and may suprise some folks. They can do a pretty good job on the track I am told. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Steve in NJ
Date Posted: 07 Jan 2023 at 7:29pm
Just designed a wiring system and sent a bunch of parts out to a customer in the state of WA. He's building a CA puller for 2500 lb class I think it is. He's got super high compression in that little motor, and I just built him a custom OSGR Starter to turn it over cause' he couldn't find anybody to build him a starter till he found me. We eliminated that problem!  Thumbs Up

39'RC, 43'WC, 48'B, 49'G, 50'WF, 65 Big 10, 67'B-110, 75'716H, 2-620's, & a Motorhead wife

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 09 Jan 2023 at 11:22am
 Well the plan is to assembly the front end of the CA soon and get the tractor turned around in the shop to pull the left wheel and the axle housing. I should go do some research on changing the brake drum. AC book makes it sound fairly easy. We will see.
Our club is planning a few more pulls this year so would like to have this ready to go this spring even if I just re assemble and do some upgrades. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 13 Jan 2023 at 9:45am
I think I will try the short arm front casting with the cast features for the weights. It seems to work freely, as the arm rotates with out binding. 
Brake drum is here so that project can start soon too.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2023 at 11:00am
AC folks,
 The CA is not moving along very fast. I did get the wide casting, short arm ,upper front casting installed. Also moved the alternator ahead another 1/4 inch to have better alignment with fan and crank pulleys. 
Need to get the CA mobile again, to move it under the jib, for work on the brake drum issues.
Tractor pulling will be here soon.
Off to try to trim apple trees today. Then soon to get ready to put up Maple sap tubing lines. Yep that time of the year is coming. With spring not that far away.
Hope things are good in Orange land!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2023 at 1:28pm
 If your weather is like it is here in Ohio it would be a nice day to trim apple trees. I trimmed mine a couple weeks ago when we had them warmer days. Enjoy that CA, that's what I learned to drive on when I was 10.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2023 at 6:22pm
 I got a pretty nice manifold form a AC parts guy in NY. The ears on mine are broke" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Shop will be used for working on Grandson Nics new to him van for his electrical business. Stripping old wordage off the sides and getting it ready for his suppies and tools.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2023 at 9:56pm
Looks like progress! Going to get the manifold resurfaced or is it pretty flat?

I suppose you should let Nic use the shop. He did a lot of wiring in it, right?

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2023 at 8:57am
T adams, John, AC Folks,
Yes Nic has full access to the shop anytime. His wiring work really makes it a great place to hang out and occasionaly I do some work/ play also!
I need ot check the flatness, and probably take the manifold to a machine shop and have it surfaced. That would be the right thing to do!
The CA tractor waits!
Spending a lot more quality time with the wife now days. Things change in life. We are enjoying our breakfasts together at the local dinor several days a week.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2023 at 7:05pm
Allis folks,
Worked on the CA toget it back on its feet today.
As I looked throught the AC book on the VA I found that the manifold that I got was not the gasoline version? Not sure if this new manifold would work??

Removed the remaining inside race of the lower front spindle bearing. Cut most of the way through it then it was able to be tapped off. Added new lower seal." rel="nofollow">

Inserted the outer race. I did not have new upper seals. So we are just going with what ever remains in there. Greased up the bearing really good." rel="nofollow">

Short arm was used for this test:" rel="nofollow">

A couple iterations on the shims under the bolt for the gear. (I did set the timing marks correctly)" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Well the goal was to have it steer better. It does, but not sure its as good as new? Still not extremely smooth. Tractor steers same distance in both directions.
I can now move the tractor around in the shop and begin to think about the brake drum replacement on the left side of the tractor.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2023 at 9:56pm
Looking good. On the manifold, I'm not sure that the CA ever had the version with the data plate on it (that's what would mount in that sort of rectangular opening on the side). The B for sure and probably the C had that one. I don't think it would be an issue... Check the carb flange size and make sure it matches up but I bet it'll work.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2023 at 9:45am
John, Allis Folks,
 The book shows a shield going over that arfea of the manifold for the non gas version. Maybe building up more heat?? I will check the carb hole spacing next. Paul should be along soon to answer this manifold issue?:)
Might take the front end apart and add a shim between the castings? Might be too tight on the steering gears? Just dont want too much slop either. Book says shim as needed! Easier said than done!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2023 at 10:10am
Now that you ask: The early manifold that you have works on any BE/CE head. Yes on the kerosene engines it should have an extra shield for more heat, it would also help if you wish to run E85. Those early manifold should have the same carburetor  bolt spacing, no big deal to widen them if needed. However the ports and passage up from the carburetor may be somewhat smaller than the later manifolds. Also easily taken care of.
  I suppose that you got the early manifold because it was cheaper than a NEW one. I'd still be tempted to get a NEW one and sell the early manifold to a B/C restorer looking to appease the correct police. Those early manifolds in perfect condition are worth more than the NEW ones cost. 

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2023 at 10:47am
 Thanks for the information on the manifolds. Sometimes we just do things because we just dont know!:) Still learning on these CA's. Yes I see manifolds from Stieners for sale too. Good suggestions.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2023 at 3:18pm
AC folks,
I jacked up the tractor, loosened the lower casting fastners enough to get .020 inch shims in four places. tightended the bolts and checked for clearance in the sector gear. There was a little. Now this might have gone away if I had lowered the tractor. 
Shortened the two castelated nuts for the drag link to allow cotter pimns to be inserted.
Then proceeded to make some minor improvements to the steering wheel. Old, cracked, and crusty with black stuff coming off on your hands. You know what I mean. Sanded the hand grip area, filled in the cracks with 2 part  5 minute epoxy, sprayed a coating of flat black just to get started making it look better." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Sanding required to smooth the epoxy a little, then a couple coats of black finish. Should be just a tad better for the old CA, and whoever may be driving. Would love to see my great granddaughter pulling this tractor in another 12 years!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 9:21am
Chris, good to see you're making progress on the latest Orange project!

How's the pup doing?

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2023 at 6:48pm
 Ruby is untrained and spoiled rotten! She is in control most of the time! Perfect!" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

The steering wheel update looks good! Pumping up the front tires helped bring the steering to a acceptable condition:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

I did move the CA around to get the left rear under the jib. Brake work next up." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2023 at 9:21am
Ah, looks like a happy pup. Steering wheel looks good too.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 6:57pm
 I am ready for the majic words on getting the old brake drum off the shaft. I do have the lock nut and lock screw out of the old drum. All the exterior of the old drum is broken off down to the hub. Tried some heat and pry bar. Some heat from the blue wrench. Some Kroyl. Some sawsall work some cold chisel blows. A little action with pry and air chisel. Well it hasnt moved yet! But we will get it. Thought about some type of puller working against the end of the shaft??

By the way these top pins are way eaiser than WD style lower brake pins! And Paul was right the brake bands were junk! 
Some shots as I removed the left rear housing:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">
 I would like to get in and cut the old drum down to the keyway. But I just dont have a tool to do it. So I came here to ask for some advice from those that have removed CA brake drums.
 Chris" rel="nofollow">

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: sparky
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 7:44pm
Suggestion. Before you go back with the final drive I would replace the axle seal in the transmission housing. Good luck on your repair.

It's the color tractor my grandpa had!

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 7:55pm
 Yes I was thinking the same thing. And that means I need to pull the other side also!:(
But its the right thing to do. This poor old tractor probably needs everything! Just not sure I want to go that deep?
 Thanks for the suggestion on the seal/s. Now would be the time for sure!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: sparky
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2023 at 8:18pm
If you’re pulling both sides yes. New seals every time while you’re in there.

It's the color tractor my grandpa had!

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2023 at 7:01pm
Sparky, Folks,
 New seals ordered from Sandy Lake.
Friend John and I worked on the brake drum removal. It is not a easy task. Broke off the exterior portion. Used a dremel and a small wheel to slit the casting about 3/16 deep above the keyway. Then a cold chisel through the drilled hole and it continued and split the casting. A lot of prying and choice words. The key was actually hard to get out too. I wanted to clean up the axle, and finally got it but not easy to get in through the hole in the exterior. Installed the new brake drum, and set screw/ lock nut.

Ruby was checking out the old brake drum:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Phil48ACWC
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 7:36am
Great Dog!!! He knows a busted brake drum when he sees it.  

Posted By: wjohn
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 8:54am
Ha, Ruby's having fun! I had to do the brake bands in one of my Bs, but I've not had to pull a drum off yet... No trouble for you.

1939 B, 1940 B, 1941 WC, 1951 WD, 1952 CA, 1956 WD-45

Posted By: IBWD MIke
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 9:39am
As much fun as you had with that be glad it was the left one. I could really use a right, hard to come by!

My guess on Ruby's interest, drum might smell like mice?

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 5:00pm
 Yes the entire casting cavity was full of mouse nests, and debis! What a mess! I think I would build some type of puller and or get a grinder small enough to get in the brake hole to cut the old drum apart. Cutting down above the keyway is the way to split the cast drum. After I salvaged the key and installed the new drum over the key, I tightened the bolt/ lock nut down. But the new keyway in the drum must be deep because the key kicked up more than I expected when viewed from the end. Humm?? Still looks like the key will work. 
Off topic: Today was all maple related with a annual membership meeting and dinner. Then Cheryl and I strung another 200 taps ( about 1/3 of our total ) this afternoon. 
Hope things are good in Orange land!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: PaulB
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2023 at 7:30pm
  The key in the drum only needs to do enough for the brakes, no power is put to the wheels with that key. 
  Although those hand clutches (in good working condition) in the RH housing will handle more power than the factory engine clutch, for a dedicated puller I've always put a LH pinion shaft in the RH housing. It also looses a few pounds by replacing the hand clutch with a LH shaft and brake drum. 

If it was fun to pull in LOW gear, I could have a John Deere.
Real pullers don't have speed limits.
If you can't make it GO... make it SHINY

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2023 at 1:35pm
Paul, Folks,
This tractor has had the hand clutch removed and the brake drum looks pretty good on the right side. But I think I will try to pull that side apart and put in tha new seal for the rear diferential. 

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: ac160
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2023 at 6:53am
When you worked on the brake drum did you pull the whole shaft out or do it  while the shaft was in the tractor?  I am about to do the same on  a CA  when I have time.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2023 at 9:07am
ac160, folks,
I did the work with the shaft in the tractor housing. I believe to pull the shaft you need to have the drum and key off anyway. I did try to remove the shaft when the drum was off. But I guess I did not have the correct tooling as I could not move it outward with the exterior cap off. The outer bearing exterior cup must have to be pushed out with the bearing? I gave up and went back to cleaning the shaft the best I could to allow the new drum to fit on the shaft. 
I am sure there are folks on here that can tell you what the techniques are to get the shaft out easily?
Looking forward to your project. Let us know how it goes!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: HudCo
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2023 at 9:23pm
what size are your rear tires ?

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2023 at 5:49pm
 Humm? I should know and don't? Rim size is same as regular CA, So I think that is 24 inch? correct? I will try to check tomorrow. But one of the reasons I bought this was for the pretty good old Firestone rears.
I did get the rear seals from Sandy Lake. Removed and installed the smaller. I did get the larger (outer) seal also, But a little late now that I have the brake drum in place.

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2023 at 5:17pm
 I did get the right rear tire off today. Also have the rear supported with steel sawhorses under the bar which has the pedals attached. I have started to clean the rear of some of the accumulated grease and grime. Not sure whare I will end up on this CA? We all know its a lot of work to clean and update these 70 year old tractors.
Will try to get some pictures. Cold weather and some snow today. So most of the day was spent in the warmer shop.
Hope things are good in Orange Land!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2023 at 11:22am
Allis folks,
the tire size on the CA = 12-24 Firestone Field and road." rel="nofollow">

We have the left final drive cleaned of grease and grime and set aside:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Have the CA supported on both sides:" rel="nofollow">

ready to pull the right rear. Brake pin design on the top is awesome! Brake shoes on the right side were junk, Brake drum on the right is in pretty good shape, so I do not plan to change that. The seal in the differential has been replaced.;" rel="nofollow">


D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: sparky
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2023 at 11:43am
Coming right along!

It's the color tractor my grandpa had!

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2023 at 11:48am
Awesome job!

Posted By: Sugarmaker
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2023 at 1:04pm
Thanks guys,
This is what these old brake shoes look like, not good at all:" rel="nofollow">

Pulling the right final was easy:" rel="nofollow">

Remove the cover from the right side of the rearend:" rel="nofollow">

Pop out the old seal and install the new seal:" rel="nofollow">

Sealant on the bolt threads" rel="nofollow">

Now I need to get serious about clean up. The time to do that is now. Wolud be nice to get the back half of the tractor done while apart. What does that mean? I dont know maybe a coat of fresh orange paint?? I have not painted anything in the shop yet. And I did not make a dedicated paint room. Lots of things in here that we dont want painted with orange overspray!

D17 1958 (NFE), WD45 1954 (NFE), WD 1952 (NFE), WD 1950 (WFE), Allis F-40 forklift, Allis CA, Allis D14, Ford Jubilee, Many IH Cub Cadets, 32 Ford Dump, 65 Comet.

Posted By: TomC
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2023 at 1:21pm
You have it that far might as well pull the front tires,use tin foil to mask it and get out the paint guns, I painted mine in my barn, it took me a bit but I got a roll of plastic painter drop cloth and sorta made my own paint booth, I also made a barrier around the temp paint booth,and draped plastic over the other equipment and implements, it turned out pretty good, not a $3,000.00 paint job but probably better than factory.also used way low pressure

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