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Bird Feeder

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Topic: Bird Feeder
Posted By: steve(ill)
Subject: Bird Feeder
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 4:23pm
I got a couple big feeders in the front yard. Normally have 20 sparrows / swallows , a couple blue jays and a couple cardinals every morning and late afternoon..

For the past week i have a dozen cardinals in addition to the above.. Dont know why there are so many and why now ?

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Coke-in-MN
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 4:36pm
I have about 8 feeders between back and front yards , go through 20 pounds or more feed now a week . From black oil sunflower seeds to mixed seed , have couple wire feeders with cracked corn and squirrels seems to hit them . 
 Also 5 feeders with suit blocks and get woodpeckers and Blue jays on them regular. Have some small black and gray birds that only ground feed so scatter some seed for them but they clean up under feeders when other birds seem to get selective on what the throw out. 
 Now in the field out front I had 3 or 4 bald eagles coming regularly and setting in field or a large maple tree in front yard . Walked out there and found a deer carcass half eaten - must have got hit by car and made it into field to die . 
 Had to watch the dog as it's about the right size for a snack for the eagles so keep tabs on it when it's out. Have not seen many hawks of late but just after corn was taken off the field they were circling regularly and getting small varmints and rabbits   

Faith isn't a jump in the dark. It is a walk in the light. Faith is not guessing; it is knowing something.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Posted By: modirt
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 6:02pm
Have one feeder out on front.....and for past few days, about 20 to 30 birds at all times. Chickadees, titmouse (mice?), various sparrows, junko's, jays, woodpeckers and about a dozen cardinals. All taking turns at the feeder, with a big puddle on ground below. Plain old BOSS. Doves like the cheap mixed stuff, but I don't have any.

Have to hang the feeder up inside a dense bushy this case a crab apple.....else the Sharp Shined hawks or Cooper's hawks will make a run at em.

This morning, about a dozen robin's showed up. Boy is their timing off.

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 7:12pm
Robins!? Well your south of us so maybe can see it. Better let em know to hang out there a while. Way too cold and snow for them to be thinkin bout coming this way

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 7:22pm
Have two big feeders, reload every four to five days, two smaller feeders the little birds like, refill every couple weeks and two suet cake dispensers, every Three days all gone!!

Cardinals, Sparrows, what we call Snowbirds, Jays and a few odd assorted other songbirds.  Have two Pileated Wood Peckers, they do a Mexican Standoff at one suet feeder daily, have three or four different Downy woodpeckers and a couple Hairy(Downy size with a Red Spot on back of head) woodpeckers.  Happy little monsters.

Has been a Bald Eagle on occasion when the carcass is not frozen solid on the Coyote I dropped last year.  Been cold enough has not decayed all too fast.

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 7:58pm
Big increase in cardinal and blur jay visits lately just east of Springfield IL here.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2021 at 9:58pm
thats what i am seeing also Dave.....cardinals and blue jays increase..

I buy a 50 pound bag of cracked corn.. lasts about a month.. $8. takes you all the way !

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 2:41am

 Well,,,in this high desert country,,we don't get any of the beautiful colored birds,,maybe a robin or two every so often. We get a lot of Humming birds so I keep two feeders out but they be back maybe another month,,,,Wink
 Funniest thing,,,bout 7-8 years ago we started seeing  some "wild" parakeets,,they'd be either all green or all yellow would come around and then not see em for a month then here they are,,,!! I put some seed out but they just come and go,,haven't seen em yet this year,,,,,,Wink

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 3:32pm
We got through about 100 lbs of sunflowers and 50 lbls of mixed bird feed a month, I filled them everyday. we have counted 30 cardnials and a big bunch of sparrows and a mixture of other birds.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 4:16pm
DANG Tom.... you got a real Business there !! Wink

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Scott B
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 5:08pm
We've got a pair of Bald Eagles that keep landing in the field by the house and picking up loose grass from my Fall mowing. They're clearly nest building to my South/ Southwest and near the lake that borders us. Going to try and track down the nest. Eagles nest are huge and would love to get up close and underneath.

D17 Series 1
Allis B- 1939
Allis B- 1945

Posted By: HaroldOmaha
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 9:53pm
Have an acreage next to a federal water control project. 1000 acre lake and a lot of trees'
When I started feeding birds, I had 36 male cardinals not counting females. but the squirrels , black birds and grackles  and coons ate a lot. Then I found out that Cardinals liked safflower seeds and squirrels, blackbirds, and grackles did not like that seed. and I can get it at the local elevator in a 50 lb bag for $ 28 - $33 which is about 1/3 of what sunflower seeds cost.  There are a lot more houses here now , and more people feeding them. We have 2-3 bluebirds 12 cardinals, nuthatches , orioles ( eat grape jelly) Flickers, several kinds of woodpeckers, several kinds of other small birds. Kids love to feed them. When there is snow in the forecast , we can get a dozen more male cardinals.

Posted By: john(MI)
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2021 at 10:24pm
We have a half dozen feral cats.  I wonder if it may be cheaper buying bird food and letting the cats fend for themselves.  Wife said she saw one of the cats sitting on top of a bluebird house the other day.  That'll make me happy when them darned sparrows try to move in come spring time!

D14, D17, 5020, 612H, CASE 446

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2021 at 8:11am

   Have lots of different kinds of woodpeckers at suit feeders yesterday for first time had a   Pileated woodpecker was about the size of a crow.

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough”

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2021 at 3:10pm
  We had a pileated a couple years ago but it hasn't been back sure was fun to watch it fly in to eat suet. They must have run out of shelled peanuts the local elevator said they can't get anymore. We always bought them for the Bluejays

Posted By: ACinSC
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2021 at 5:24pm
Trying out some dried meal worms in our feeder today . Bluebirds seem to like them .

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2021 at 6:31pm

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2021 at 7:36pm

 Hey Steve,,,that right there is an almost perfectly choreographed setting for a Norman Rockwell postcard picture,,,,,,maybe if you'da been a tad closer,,,,,,ClapClap

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2021 at 9:00pm
Joe, its 7 degrees outside... IM 75 ft away with a zoom lense, STANDING IN THE HOUSE where its warm !  Wink

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 4:15am

 Aw,,I was just teasing you, Steve,,,,,WinkWink That still is a great timing picture with the two cardinals and the four others staged around them. I have no idea what the four are,,,they look like the Quail around here with the tufted heads,,,,??
  "A cold wintry day,waiting on the morning fog to clear, and the groceries to be delivered"

Posted By: nella(Pa)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 4:43am
Originally posted by desertjoe desertjoe wrote:

 Aw,,I was just teasing you, Steve,,,,,WinkWink That still is a great timing picture with the two cardinals and the four others staged around them. I have no idea what the four are,,,they look like the Quail around here with the tufted heads,,,,??
  "A cold wintry day,waiting on the morning fog to clear, and the groceries to be delivered"

The other four are female Cardinals.Beer

Posted By: Harvey/pa
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 6:41am
About 10 years ago Grandson trapped a coon and a possum and put them out in the field after skinning them. Day later He said "Look at that huge hawk eating that coon" I told him it was an immature bald eagle, he didn't believe me till a mature one showed up minutes later. He drug every dead thing he could find, including chickens, here so we could watch the eagles. Fast forward  10 years and now I wish they would live somewhere else. A deer got hit on a farm next door and there were 5 of them on the carcass at once. They have aquired a taste for chickens and guineas and have about cleaned out mine and 2 other neighbors. The only ones left stay in the barnyard or next to the house . Too many of them and red tails now,  even the barn cats are dwindling, don't get me wrong I still enjoy seeing them just not being over run with them...Harvey 

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 8:35am
Steve, what are you feeding that brings those cardinals in like your pic shows?

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 8:49am
all ever use is cracked corn... I get a 50 pound bag at Menards for $8.  been doing this for 10 years.. Use to be barn swallows and sparrows.. Last 5 years we have picked up 4-5 blue jays, a few wood peckers, and 3-4 cardinals........ This year about a dozen cardinals showed up starting with the snow last week. I have had to double the amount i put out to feed... was 2# per day, now about 4#.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: nella(Pa)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 9:11am
Originally posted by Dave H Dave H wrote:

Steve, what are you feeding that brings those cardinals in like your pic shows?
Black oil sunflower seed is what the birds like the best here. They eat it first, had my own cracked corn and they would not eat the corn. 20$ for a fifty lb. bag.

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 9:30am
I get the bird seed by the 50lb gag (econo).  Has lots of cracked corn.

I found suet blocks on sale a while back and the wood peckers are going nuts over it.  I get three kinds of wood peckers in, but piliated are not around here.

Posted By: NEVER green
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 9:47am
Originally posted by john(MI) john(MI) wrote:

We have a half dozen feral cats.  I wonder if it may be cheaper buying bird food and letting the cats fend for themselves.  Wife said she saw one of the cats sitting on top of a bluebird house the other day.  That'll make me happy when them darned sparrows try to move in come spring time!

   Are you serious Mr, lusty ???????  Since feral cats arent native to the US they do huge amounts of damage to song birds and other wild life.

   They dont last long in my neighbor hood, for that matter most of the county.

2-8050 1-7080 6080 D-19 modelE & A 7040   R50       

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 1:07pm
Im not much of a bird expert, and my camera leaves a lot to be desired.. I can figure out cardinals, blue jays and wood peckers.... 75% of the birds are what i have been calling "sparrows and barn swallows".... probably not quite correct.. You can see a couple in the photo below that looks similar to swallows.. split tail and a blueish top and white belly.. to the sides are what i call sparrows ( spotted brown)

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 1:17pm
this little guy prefers to push his luck and eat cat food.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 8:39pm
Those little dark guys with the white belly are "Junco's".  Lots of them around here at the bird feeder.  Sometimes called "Snowbirds" here.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 10:01pm
Thanks Phil............. i think you NAILED that one !

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: Alberta Phil
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2021 at 10:31pm
Steve, the other li'l feller in the picture you posted is a Red Poll.  Lots of those around here too.  And ,no, I ain't a bird watcher!!  At least not those kinda birds! LOL

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 12:55pm
YEP... they sure look like the Red Poll , but i cant get close enough to see any red spot on their head.............. had more company yesterday and back today.. Some type Dove ? .......... they spend a lot of time squatting on the ground.

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 1:08pm

 I believe those are Mourning Dove, which are very plentiful around here. Their kinfolk, the White Wing Dove started moving in bout 4-5 years ago. They are very friendly and I can walk up to them bout 10 feet before they spook. I used to hunt the Mourning Dove back in the day and are good sport because they fly so darned FAST !! Good eating too,,,

Posted By: DMiller
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 1:35pm
Yep, 20 ga Double, take two then sit back and leave them fly around awhile, the flock tends to circle right back to ground zero and two more shots!!

Only trouble is cleaning, roll the breast out then what to do with the rest of the bird, not enough meat there to make a tablespoon full.

Posted By: plummerscarin
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 1:58pm
Maybe make a stock from the left over parts for another recipe?
Iowa has a season for them now.
We did not set out feeders this year as the derecho ruined them and we mostly get sparrows anyway. Was good fun watching the cat watch them through the window. Cat is gone now

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 4:46pm

 Hey Dave,,that is all we used to keep on them Doves. Like you say, just roll the breast out, break both wing bones and chunk the breast in the coolerClap Some people did not care for dove meat but I sure did,,,,Clap
 I knew a fellar that used to skin the bird, pull the guts and keep the whole bird,,wings and all,,!!! He'd get mad at us for keeping only the breasts,,,,

Posted By: ford8nwd
Date Posted: 12 Feb 2021 at 8:29pm
I made a shelled peanut feeder and that seems to get most of the action around here. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, and some unknown birds.

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 2:47am
the old lady.....oooops....i mean the loving wife has several doves in a large cage in the house, we were just blessed with another baby one last week! i keep telling her we gotta turn them loose in the spring (started with that statement 2 years ago) and she's afraid that someone will shoot them! whew! 

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 9:24am
This guy has become a regular talks really loud to me if I am outside anywhere near,

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough”

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 9:51am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote:

the old lady.....oooops....i mean the loving wife has several doves in a large cage in the house, we were just blessed with another baby one last week! i keep telling her we gotta turn them loose in the spring (started with that statement 2 years ago) and she's afraid that someone will shoot them! whew! 

yeah, Shameless,,I remember you talkin bout them doves way back then,,, Do ya'll talk with them ?  They prolly would get shot seeing as them dove are now not afraid of humans.. Our 4th oldest Son had an apartment  when going to college where there were many doves and he could mimic their calls perfectly,,, The last time Jerry and family were here from Dallas,,he started doing that and some dove that were on the fence were watching him really close,,,then,,started talkin back and forth,,,,amazing,,!!Clap

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 9:54am

 Hey Gordy,,that right there is a beautiful Wood Pecker,,!!  I've only seen one woodpecker in my life bout 10 years ago and he/she musta been lost,,,,WinkWink
 I've heard em up in the mountains,,but never seen them,,

Posted By: john(MI)
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 10:27am
Originally posted by NEVER green NEVER green wrote:

Originally posted by john(MI) john(MI) wrote:

We have a half dozen feral cats.  I wonder if it may be cheaper buying bird food and letting the cats fend for themselves.  Wife said she saw one of the cats sitting on top of a bluebird house the other day.  That'll make me happy when them darned sparrows try to move in come spring time!

   Are you serious Mr, lusty ???????  Since feral cats arent native to the US they do huge amounts of damage to song birds and other wild life.

   They dont last long in my neighbor hood, for that matter most of the county.

Around here feral cats are ones that got made because the owners of their barn cats don't fix them.  They are regular cats so I don't know what you are talking about that they are not native to the US.  I trapped ours and got them fixed.  They stay around here because the wife feeds them.  You can tell a fixed feral cat by looking at the left ear.  The tip will be gone.  There is nothing wrong with a fixed feral cat.  They keep our house and barn mouse free.  We have two new ones that have  been coming for dinner.  I need to trap them and get them nutted.  I'll probably need to take them to the Humane Society. I think they charge $40 for doing it.  The wife and I took a Trap Neuter Release(TNR) class so we could get them fixed for $25.  But with this pandemic they aren't making appointments any longer. 

Barn cat are feral cats.  I just don't understand what you are talking about that are not native to the US!

D14, D17, 5020, 612H, CASE 446

Posted By: tadams(OH)
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 2:55pm
Went to get some peanuts in the shell and was told the can't get anymore. Must have been a bad year 

Posted By: NEVER green
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 6:04pm
Originally posted by john(MI) john(MI) wrote:

Originally posted by NEVER green NEVER green wrote:

Originally posted by john(MI) john(MI) wrote:

We have a half dozen feral cats.  I wonder if it may be cheaper buying bird food and letting the cats fend for themselves.  Wife said she saw one of the cats sitting on top of a bluebird house the other day.  That'll make me happy when them darned sparrows try to move in come spring time!

   Are you serious Mr, lusty ???????  Since feral cats arent native to the US they do huge amounts of damage to song birds and other wild life.

   They dont last long in my neighbor hood, for that matter most of the county.

Around here feral cats are ones that got made because the owners of their barn cats don't fix them.  They are regular cats so I don't know what you are talking about that they are not native to the US.  I trapped ours and got them fixed.  They stay around here because the wife feeds them.  You can tell a fixed feral cat by looking at the left ear.  The tip will be gone.  There is nothing wrong with a fixed feral cat.  They keep our house and barn mouse free.  We have two new ones that have  been coming for dinner.  I need to trap them and get them nutted.  I'll probably need to take them to the Humane Society. I think they charge $40 for doing it.  The wife and I took a Trap Neuter Release(TNR) class so we could get them fixed for $25.  But with this pandemic they aren't making appointments any longer. 

Barn cat are feral cats.  I just don't understand what you are talking about that are not native to the US!

 Feral cats are not indigenous, they came over with Europeans, there is plenty wrong them.  

Large amounts of  song bird decline is blamed on feral cats, especially ground nesters.

   It has been shown bells around their necks are ineffective , they learn to hunt with them, very destructive.

   It isnt natural for such an effective hunter up here praying on birds.

2-8050 1-7080 6080 D-19 modelE & A 7040   R50       

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 11:05pm
some of the desired birds are ground feeders, they show up but won't eat out of a feeder, they wait for the food to be scratched out and dropped, they they will eat off the ground. 

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2021 at 2:34pm

 I caught this guy/gal getting into ole Bowser's groceries this morning,,,I expect he/she was on the way north but ole Shameless's latest Winter Storm caught him on the road and he had to stop for all the dang snow just a flying in this area,,gots bout 3" so far.
I've never seen one like this one . He has a speckled underbelly and a red slash under his cheeks with a long sharp lookin beak. He was cracking Pecans and eating the nut,,so he's done that before. Anybody recognze him/her,,,,??

Posted By: Dave H
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2021 at 2:41pm
That is some kind of wood pecker.  We have some of those in IL.

Sorry I am not a classification specialist beyond just "wood pecker"

Posted By: modirt
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2021 at 3:35pm
That looks like a northern flicker.

The big wood pecker is a Pileated......inspiration for Woody the Wood Pecker. Size and sound.

Posted By: steve(ill)
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2021 at 4:56pm
i think you got it modirt.......a type of woodpecker

Like them all, but love the "B"s.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 14 Feb 2021 at 7:53pm

 Yep,,that is a pretty good description of this bird ,,altho,,this bird was almost the size of a Mourning Dove. I guess he/she is gonna sit this storm out in the big pine tree in the background. He fount him a good perch under some branch cover and fluffed and fluffed his feathers til he almost looked like twice his size,,,,LOLLOL I just checked him out with the flashlight and looked like he was asleep,,,,,Clap
 The snow finally stopped a few minutes ago and lookin like bout 13",,,,,,

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2021 at 12:41am
i think we call them "nut hatchs" around here. Joe...13" that all? shucks...i'll see what i can do if'n i go out laterz!

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2021 at 6:14pm

 Well,,I been checkin out my "fluffed up" Traveller Bird and he had been hanging around since it been way cloudy and overcast and COLD. Guess he ain't wantin to do any flyin in such weather. I went and got a bag of Wild Bird Food and he been eatin that all day,,Clap The sun finally come out bout an hour ago and I ain't seen him,,so that must of been what he was waitin for,,,, I sent a note to ole Shameless with the bird,,,he'll like it,,,,WinkWink

Posted By: shameless dude
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2021 at 10:24pm
i gots sum peanuts in the shells at our local farm store, throw them out under the feeders and watch the 4 legged robbers go after them, they leave the feeders alone that way.

Posted By: desertjoe
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2021 at 8:32am
Originally posted by shameless dude shameless dude wrote:

i gots sum peanuts in the shells at our local farm store, throw them out under the feeders and watch the 4 legged robbers go after them, they leave the feeders alone that way.

 Well,,that right there is one way of keeping the varmits away from the birdies,,,,,
 I'm thinkin I may go and get a feeder seeing as this traveler stopped by to visit a day or two,,,,but I gots so dang many cats that hang around the garage,,,,,,???

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