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D17 Front Pump Hub

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Topic: D17 Front Pump Hub
Posted By: AaronSEIA
Subject: D17 Front Pump Hub
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2019 at 4:48pm
I thought I'd pass some information along for those needing it.  I was in need of a crank mounted pump drive hub after mine threw it's bolts and ate itself.  Bryan H in a Facebook group gave me the number of a Ford hub that he said would work.  Took my chances on a $29 on on eBay.  He was dead on.  Bolted up perfect and is as thick as well.  AC drive shaft dropped in perfect.  It got me going again.  They also sell the shaft if you need it too.  Really cheapens up setting up a front pump or replacing the hub when it goes bad.

Posted By: oldfords
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2020 at 10:18am
I ordered the hub and shaft now to see if I can make it work. I am putting a 517 loader on my 1958 D-17. The loader does not have an oil reservoir, so I was wondering what others nave done or it the existing hyd reservoir will supply enough oil. 

Posted By: Joe(TX)
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2020 at 2:24pm

Here is what I put together:

Shaft 414, 415 diesel, 417 and 517        70343291        Sub. Ford 194354 (¾ dia. 13 in. lg. 6 spline)

Shaft 415 gas and LPG                              70343285             Length?

PLATE, pump mounting                            70343660            3/8 x 5 x 6

SPACER, pump plate       (2)                      70343659             1 in. OD x 3 in. lg.

CAPSCREW, 1/2NC x 4-1/4 (plate) (2)                                     

CAPSCREW, 7/16NC x 1-1/2 (pump) (2)

NUT, 7/16NC  (pump) (2)

Hub Assy, crankshaft                               70570388             Sub. Ford/ NH 54C2055

Hub Capscrew 7/16 X 1 1/4 w/ taped crank pulley (4)

Hub Capscrew 7/16NF X  for untapped crank pulley (nuts required) (4)

Chain coupling   (#50 10 tooth sprockets) *

¾ suction hose

½ pressure hose



* Standard chain sprocket with the hub machined to reduce the diameter to approx. 1.33 dia. will work. Standard chain couplings are 16 tooth and will not clear the spacers or the bore of the plate. Chain coupling sprockets usually have ¼ longer hubs and shorter teeth. A #40 std. coupling may work but will have a shorter life.

Fig 16 is for D series






1970 190XT, 1973 200, 1962 D-19 Diesel, 1979 7010, 1957 WD45, 1950 WD, 1961 D17, Speed Patrol, D14, All crop 66 big bin, 180 diesel, 1970 170 diesel, FP80 forklift. Gleaner A

Posted By: Joe(TX)
Date Posted: 27 Jul 2020 at 2:56pm
Here is a drawing of the Pump Mount Plate from measuring of my plate.

1970 190XT, 1973 200, 1962 D-19 Diesel, 1979 7010, 1957 WD45, 1950 WD, 1961 D17, Speed Patrol, D14, All crop 66 big bin, 180 diesel, 1970 170 diesel, FP80 forklift. Gleaner A

Posted By: Alex09(WI)
Date Posted: 27 Jul 2020 at 6:17pm
It appears Joe and I have been compiling the same info this year! Nice work Joe! I shall add to the previous info. Here is a picture of the D15 gas kit that I offer. The D15 kit is very close to the D17 kit, minor differences in the bolts that hold the hub on the front pulley and the length of the driveshaft. D14 shaft and D15d shaft are the same length as the D17 gas & diesel shaft as Joe noted.

From what I could find, the #50 chain coupler halves are not available. The original pumps used 11/16" pump shafts with the 3/4" drivshaft. Replacement pumps have either 5/8' or 3/4" input shafts. So from my standpoint, I have 5/8, 11/16 and 3/4 coupler halves available depending on if its original pump or aftermarket replacement pump. I went with #40 chain for these kits, which should be widely available as well as the coupler halves. Except the 11/16" coupler half, which is machined out from a 5/8" half. The "V" suffixes in my list of parts signify those parts are not OEM equivilant. The 230717 bolts were a button socket head 7/16" fine thread bolt. The 230717V bolts are 7/16" fine thread hex head bolts with a small flat washer that functions the same as the button head on the original, retaining the steel sleeve bushing from working its way out of the rubber bushing.

I would like to note for others that some of the replacement pumps interfere with the heads of the 1/2" bolts that hold the plate to the tractor. Just beware that it might not be a slap on and go situation regarding the pump. Better to have the original pump rebuilt if possible.

A&W TRACTOR 920-598-1287

Posted By: JOHN N/IL
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2020 at 1:11pm
alex what do you do to make it work on a d17 with an combine motor without the correct drive pully with no holes to mount pump hub?


Posted By: Joe(TX)
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 12:00pm
I also noticed that the mounting plate bolts interfered with pump flange. You could remove material on the pump flange or possibly use socket head cap screws.

1970 190XT, 1973 200, 1962 D-19 Diesel, 1979 7010, 1957 WD45, 1950 WD, 1961 D17, Speed Patrol, D14, All crop 66 big bin, 180 diesel, 1970 170 diesel, FP80 forklift. Gleaner A

Posted By: Alex09(WI)
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2020 at 2:14pm
Originally posted by JOHN N/IL JOHN N/IL wrote:

alex what do you do to make it work on a d17 with an combine motor without the correct drive pully with no holes to mount pump hub?

The best solution would be to swap your front pulley with one out of a later D17 that has the 4-bolt pattern. That way when the 1st adapter hub wears out, replacing it will be easy.

A&W TRACTOR 920-598-1287

Posted By: oldfords
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2020 at 8:46am
Can anyone tell me the gallon capacity of the tank in the left hand loader post of a 417 loader?

Posted By: gordonh
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2020 at 1:24pm
Hi I was wandering if the kit you have shown would work on an AC D17 with loader? And do you sell them?

Posted By: Joe(TX)
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2020 at 1:23pm
That setup is what was used on the 400 and 500 loaders

1970 190XT, 1973 200, 1962 D-19 Diesel, 1979 7010, 1957 WD45, 1950 WD, 1961 D17, Speed Patrol, D14, All crop 66 big bin, 180 diesel, 1970 170 diesel, FP80 forklift. Gleaner A

Posted By: jnicol6600
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2021 at 4:36pm
Originally posted by oldfords oldfords wrote:

I ordered the hub and shaft now to see if I can make it work. I am putting a 517 loader on my 1958 D-17. The loader does not have an oil reservoir, so I was wondering what others nave done or it the existing hyd reservoir will supply enough oil. 
I had my sump drilled and tapped for a suction hose and have not had any trouble not adding any capacity

Posted By: Alex09(WI)
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2022 at 9:46pm
Originally posted by gordonh gordonh wrote:

Hi I was wandering if the kit you have shown would work on an AC D17 with loader? And do you sell them?

Yes, call the number below
                             \  |  /

A&W TRACTOR 920-598-1287

Posted By: Alex09(WI)
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2022 at 9:50pm
Also found more info that should be documented in this thread

Tractors earlier than: D14 engine serial #149-11562/ tractor serial #11476 and D17 gas tractor serial #15931/diesel tractor engine #104840 DID NOT leave the factory with the front pulley that has the 4-bolt pattern for adapter hub.

Page 12 of TM-328 Manual also states:
 "On some of the later D-15 Tractors, be sure to rotate fan to check for clearance between fan blades and hub. Bend ends of fan blades, if necessary, to provide approximately 1/4" of clearance."

A&W TRACTOR 920-598-1287

Posted By: mnjoe
Date Posted: 10 Jan 2024 at 1:42pm
Just bought the same setup as yours. The oil tank is mounted on the fender and the hydraulic controls are mounted on a post welded to the loader frame.

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